Monday, April 22, 2013

LIVE BLOG: Walking 16 miles to Downtown Cleveland...again: FINAL UPDATE: 2:25 pm

So today we're going to try something different.

I plan to walk this morning from my house in the beautiful metropolis of Wickliffe, Ohio, to Tower City in not-quite-as-beautiful-but-still-nice downtown Cleveland, Ohio. A distance of about 16 miles.

I've taken this walk twice before. I actually enjoy the experience, particularly having several hours with just me and the iPod.

Only this time I'm going to chronicle the journey for anyone who, for whatever reason, might care. Check back here throughout the morning as I attempt to navigate the thumb-breaking process of Blogging by Smart Phone while I walk.

I'll post updates throughout the trip, which I expect to begin around 8:30 a.m. EDT and to take somewhere in the neighborhood of four hours.

I'll try and change the headline to this post every time I update it (with the approximate time of the update). That's assuming I can walk and type at the same time without killing myself and others.

I hope you'll join me!

8:29 am -  And we're off! Game time temperature: 41 degrees. The shorts may or may not have been a good idea...

8:43 am - Are we there yet? Walking and typing = hard.

9:14 am - 3.16 miles down. About 14:15/mile. No chafing. Yet. Hello,  Richmond Heights!

9:54 am - Will be meeting my wife and daughter for lunch at Tower City.  Brought snacks, but that Subway sub sounds awfully good about now. 5.75 miles covered in 1:23.

10:45 am - In beautiful Cleveland Heights. Always seems like a nice place. Also, I have to pee. 9.01 miles down.

11:15 am - Crossing into the City of Cleveland proper. Next up: Little Italy. 11.06 miles covered.

Noon - East 71st and Euclid. Legs hurt a little. 13.72 miles down. People looking at me strangely. Need a second wind!

12:45 pm - Done! 16.58 miles. 4 hours, 10 minutes. Just over 15:00/mile for the walk. Let's eat.

Terry, Elissa and I had a very nice lunch. We dropped Elissa off back at her dorm (she joined me for the last mile or so of the walk) then drove back here to Wickliffe. My quadriceps muscles are killing me. Good gracious they hurt. Hamstrings, calves, etc. are all fine, just the quads. Ouch. That's going to take a few days to recover from.

I have to say that while it was fun, I have to retire that particular walk after three successful attempts. It's not the safest route (parts of it, anyway), and I think I want a new challenge. Maybe a 20-miler. We'll see. In the meantime, thanks for checking in! We'll see you tomorrow for a post in which I mindlessly complain about red lights...

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