Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How to buy "5 Kids, 1 Wife" the paperback, the eBook, and the audiobook

If you are interested in obtaining a copy (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) of my book  which like this blog is titled "5 Kids, 1 Wife"  you have some options:

AMAZON: If you were to ask, I would say this is my preferred way for you to buy the book, as I can track sales and associated royalties most easily through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform. This is the book's Amazon page, which contains links to buy it in paperback, Kindle/eBook, and audiobook formats.

BARNES & NOBLE: On the other hand, I am certainly not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. If you want to get your copy from B&N, by all means, have at it. You can do that here (they offer just the paperback edition and not the Kindle version, as you might imagine).

CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY: I was pleased to see my friends at the Wickliffe Public Library have five copies of the book in their collection. The call number is 248 TEN. If you are in the Northeast Ohio area and want to have the book delivered to your local CPL branch for borrowing, here's the online catalog link where you can do that.

CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY: Only one copy in circulation here, but it's usually available. Here's the catalog link.


As always, thank you for reading/listening, and thank you for considering a book purchase to support this labor of love I call my blog.


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