Friday, September 20, 2013

So the girls and I are doing the Color Run thing this weekend...

Tomorrow morning I'm going to run 3.1 miles with my daughters, getting doused with colored powder every so often along the way to the point that, afterward, we'll all look like we were in a crayon factory explosion.

My life gets progressively weirder every day.

Everything above is true, by the way. If all goes well and the creek don't rise, I WILL be running 5K with Elissa, Chloe and Melanie. And we WILL get powder of various colors thrown at us while we're doing it.

And most of all, my life really IS stranger and stranger.

The girls and I are entered in The Color Run, which is a running "race" in the loosest sense of the word. People don't really go there to run so much as have a great time, dress up in goofy clothes, absorb the fun atmosphere, and yes, get themselves and their clothes (and skin) turned into a rainbow of colors.

Apparently this is how we'll look after the race...

For reasons that are perhaps beyond me because I'm a curmudgeon in training, the main attraction of the race is the color part. I guess they have volunteers or whomever stationed along the course whose job it is to throw the powder at you.

For best results, race organizers suggest that runners wear white (or mostly white) shirts. The powder comes off fairly easily, I'm told, but it's like a badge of honor to keep it on after the race.

They do Color Runs all over the country, and fortunately the Cleveland-area version is held very, very near to my home. So near, in fact, that we could almost walk to the starting line in Willoughby Hills.

At one point the race course comes within several hundred yards of our house. The temptation to just stop and walk home could be great, I imagine.

But chances are I'll be having too good a time to want to stop.

For one thing, this is an activity that includes just me and my daughters. No one else, just the four of us. I am, I think it's safe to say, extremely fond of my girls, all of whom I consider Daddy's girls whether they like it or not.

For another, there's running involved, and I love me some running. I run four days a week. I would do it more often, but those three rest days are designed mostly for extra sleep, and I don't think I'm giving them up any time soon.

And then there's the fact that this race is just plain fun, from what I hear. I'm sure we'll run some of it, we'll walk some of it, and I wouldn't be surprised if we crawl and/or do backflips through the rest.

I should also mention that I paid nearly $200 to enter the four of us. So yeah, believe me, we're all getting to the finish line one way or another...

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