Monday, May 4, 2015

I take a lot of showers, and they're all the same

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I take more than 700 showers every year. If you were to videotape a random sampling of, say, 20 of these showers, you would be amazed by one thing.

(NOTE: OK, stop right there. At this point I could be going in a number of directions with this, most of them not very nice. Rest assured, though, that that lead paragraph was written with the best of intentions. Read on...)

What you would find is that all of my showers are identical. And when I say "identical," I mean it. Every time I step into the shower, I do the same things in the same order. Every. Time. I'll bet my showers are essentially the same length, probably all within 15 seconds or so of each other.

I don't do this intentionally, mind you. It's just that after thousands and thousands of showers over the years, I've developed a system that works for me: Wash my hair, rinse, grab the soap and work from top to bottom starting at the neck, rinse, wash my face using whatever face wash stuff I happen to have, rinse yet again. Turn off water. Grab towel, dry off. Move on from there.

I do not deviate from this pattern. Is that weird? I'm guessing it's actually pretty common. I'll bet most of us have a bathing routine that rarely changes, whether we realize it or not.

I also put on my clothes in the same order every day, but again, I would venture that you do, too.

Or am I just trying to make myself feel better about being an obsessive-compulsive freak?


  1. Scott, I worked for a global plumbing manufacturer for a number of years. You wouldn't believe the amount of research that goes into shower and pottie related activities. The routine you mention is very normal. People tend to spend much less time in the shower than they think. The number of minutes spent in the shower tends to increase when body-sprays are a part of the mix. Showers become more therapeutic when body sprays are added, thus driving the amount of time up. Otherwise, "the get in and get out" approach seems to prevail. Congratulations, at least in this case, you are normal.

  2. I'm so relieved...I think. Coming from an organization that spends a significant amount of resources to understand exactly how people use blenders and why, I am not at all surprised to know that shower/bathroom research is a thriving field.
