Good morning! And a beautiful morning it is here in Southern California. It's only a little past 6:30, but Dave and I have been up for almost 6 hours. Do the math and you'll realize that we got out of bed around 12:45 a.m. How? Why?
Well, we turned out the light and went to bed about 8:50 p.m. local time, once we realized that Ohio State had officially rolled over and died. We slept for almost four hours before Dave woke up to the sound of someone running down the stairs outside of our room. He looked outside and saw that at least 25-30 people were already in line across the street, so he woke me up and suggested we go over there. I agreed, so we both took quick showers and headed over.
A quick count of those ahead of us showed that were about 37th or 38th in the line. Michael, an interesting guy from Rochester who was in line just ahead of us, had gotten there about 1 a.m. Those at the front must have been there since midnight or before. Ugh.
Anyway, there was a bagel shop across the street that apparently stays open all night on "Price Is Right" tape days, selling bagels and coffee to those in line. The shop also rents chairs for $5 apiece, so Dave and I decided to get a couple of them, which turned out to be a great idea. In the photo above you can see us lounging during our wait. Overnight temps here dipped down into the mid-40's, which would account for our winter-like apparel.
In the hours before the CBS Television City pages opened the gates at 6 a.m., Dave and I talked (with each other and with Michael), played cards and generally just hung out. At one point I walked back over to the hotel to get a sweatshirt and met Ted, the front desk guy here who is a TPIR expert. He and I talked a bit about the contestant experience and how to maximize my chances to be selected. He's an interesting guy.
At a few minutes before 6, people began packing up their chairs and sleeping bags (many slept on the sidewalk) and stood up as they prepared to get their order of arrival slips. There was a 15-minute delay or so before we shuffled forward toward the gates to get our slips. Ours look like this:

You'll notice that we're #'s 66 and 67. As the night went on, various people pulled up in cars and minivans and got into line ahead of us. People are apparently allowed to save spots in line, which didn't seem fair to us, but at least we're still in a good position to get into the show.
Anyway, once we got the order of arrival slips, we were instructed to return at 7:30 (about 45 minutes from now as I type), at which point I think we'll be admitted onto the CBS property. The next step, I think, will be the issuing of priority numbers sometime after 8 o'clock. Those numbers all but guarantee that we'll get into the studio, which is the first goal of the day.
I'll probably check in again with another blog post later this morning, since I believe we'll be allowed to come back to the hotel again after priority numbers are handed out. Stay tuned...
Can I just say that I love the up to date information? I know I've called Scott about 4 times already, but it's fun to see the pictures and know all the minor details as well. On the homefront, Jack slept all night much to his mother's happiness. I only thought once that someone was in the house and freaked myself out a bit. As it turns out it was the VCR shutting off after recording a show. I think I miss my man to protect me!
ReplyDeleteYou can tell by the garb that you're vacationing in sunny LA! Good thing your brother-in-law wasn't in line when those van people began arriving or I think there might have been an East Coast vs. West Coast rumble. But 67 and 68 ain't so bad. I can't remember being this excited about blog updates since January 27, 2006. Keep us posted - looking forward to the next entry. Good luck!
ReplyDeletePS - Sounds like Mr. Jack's ear is getting better. That makes Auntie feel better. After all, he needs to be in tip top shape for his visit on Friday.
You guys kind of look like you’re from the hood... I am so excited for the two of you! Hope to hear that you have a guaranteed spot in the audience soon! David needs to bring home a new car for himself and a trip for his sicky wife. The trip needs to be in a hot location in order to bake the gunk right out of her.
ReplyDeleteThere's trouble on the site. They're fixing a problem that doesn't allow new postings so I don't know if Scott hasn't posted in a while or if he isn't able to post. Terry, have you heard from him?
ReplyDeleteScott couldn't get to the blog according to Terry a couple of hours ago. They are have new numbers 66 & 67. That't the last I heard. Hope they make it. So Cathleen, you are sick? Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon. I am so excited about the guys' adventure. Terry said Scott would call her tonight by 7:30 our time. Yahoo, let's hope for success! Mom R in Wickliffe aka Judy
ReplyDeleteAnother syllogism by Elissa
ReplyDeleteCalifornia is sunny.
Elissa likes sunny things.
Therefore, Elissa would like California.
And Another:
Bob Barker has been hosting Price Is Right since the 70's.
Bob is getting older.
Therefore, Bob must retire soon.
Copyright 2007 "The Great Big Book of Syllogisms by Elissa"
(still a work in progress
Scott wanted to post something early this afternoon (about 9:30 LA time), but the blog thingee was down - he was not happy! I talked to him and they were headed back over to the studio in 15 minutes and hopefully going in. The only thing that would have stopped them from getting in at this point would be lots of groups coming in (they get priority for whatever reason). The people in line were told not to join groups if invited because they and the group would be kicked out if the guy in charge found out. I am sure they got in because I haven't heard otherwise and I believe the taping was supposed to be around 2:30. I told Scott not to call tonight and joke about winning a new car because I would believe him and then be sad. So, that's what I know. I should hear from him around 7:30 or so and I'm sure he will be posting something tonight. In honor of her Dad's visit, Elissa had a price tag name tag on at school today.
ReplyDeleteIt won't be long now!! I am so excited......I can hardly wait for the news. Gator luck!! You go boys, we're behind you all the way! Can I ride in the new car? Hee-hee!! Just kidding, but we can dream for a little while longer, right?
ReplyDeleteMom R
Safe Trip Home....May God's blessing fall upon you and bring you both safely home to us.