Tuesday, July 27, 2021

I have the hardest time drinking water

You're supposed to drink water. The exact amount seems a bit of a mystery, as you hear different formulas and/or guidelines to figure out how much is right for you. But whatever the actual number, you should be drinking water.

I am not, it must be said, a natural water drinker. I drink water, but I have to be deliberate about it. Some people gravitate toward H2O as their beverage of choice without giving it a second thought. I do it only because I know it's good for me, and even then I'm a little inconsistent in how much I drink each day.

My daughter Chloe bought me the water bottle pictured above as a Father's Day present, and it was a good choice. Being the goal-oriented person I am, the time markings printed on the side of the bottle give me water intake targets to shoot for throughout the day.

Still, if given a choice of something to drink, my inclination is to choose coffee or a green smoothie ahead of water. I generally go with the water, but I don't like it.

People have suggested I add some flavor to the water, whether it's fresh fruit or those flavoring drops you can buy, but neither does anything to increase my enjoyment of it.

Ultimately, I think it's mental. I've convinced myself that drinking water is a chore, and therefore I always see it that way. If I can just get my brain thinking that water will make me into a suave, sophisticated James Bond type, I would be downing gallons of it every day.

I wonder how much water Daniel Craig drinks.

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